
Benefits of Ginger in Chinese Medicine chinese medicine digestive health ginger herbal medicine shenjiang yangsheng Oct 16, 2023

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ginger, known as "Jiang" or "Sheng Jiang," is a highly regarded herb with a wide range of therapeutic benefits. TCM emphasizes the balance of yin and yang energies within the body and the circulation of vital energy or "Qi." Ginger is considered a warming...

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8 Benefits of Chinese Herbal Medicine autoimmune autoimmune disease chinese medicine chronic disease dermatology herbal medicine yangsheng Sep 18, 2023

Chinese herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years and continues to be a popular form of treatment in many parts of the world. While individual experiences may vary, here are eight potential benefits associated with taking Chinese herbal medicine:

  1. Holistic Approach: Chinese herbal...

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Why does my Acupuncturist always tell me to avoid cold beverages? digestive health pi wei yangsheng Feb 16, 2023

In Chinese medicine the focuses is on the balance of Qi within the body. In this system health is achieved through the harmonious interaction of the body's internal organs and external environment. One of the key principles of Chinese medicine is the concept of yin and yang, which represents the...

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